New York City, NY

When past clients, who just happen to be two of your best friends, ask you to totally re-design an apartment you originally designed for them 25 years ago, the pressure is on. Well, we met the challenge and the results are special.

In the 6100 SF NYC Apartment, the aesthetic went from the original art deco to a totally minimalist modern apartment. This new concept was to be a minimalist apartment to display and support their amazing art collection curated over the past 30 years. The interior design was done in collaboration with the very multi-talented owner. The architecture had to be contemporary to meet our client’s philosophy and aesthetic goal.

Here are very exciting photographs showing the living room, kitchen, dining room, hallway, door entrance, media room, office and bathroom, allowing you to see the great modern detail and elegance of the redesign.

It’s been truly fun experience especially working with two of your best friends.