New York Healthcare Architecture Services
Designing the perfect, logically laid out doctor's office, lab, or other New York healthcare architecture building requires a great deal of thought and persistence. Here at Mojo Stumer, our medical office architects and interior designers come together to bring any client’s wants and needs to life. There are many specificities that must be adhered to while working on New York healthcare architecture projects, and our team is incredibly experienced in all aspects of medical and healthcare design. Our goal is to create dynamic spaces that make patients and clients alike feel comfortable and safe at the same time.
When Mojo Stumer begins to take on a New York healthcare architecture project from a client, the onboarding process is what outlines the main needs and desires of the firm. Our New York healthcare architecture services aim to cater to the client during every step of the process, listening to and integrating ideas throughout. The first step in this process is making sense of what the space will be used for, how many patients they plan on having at any given time, and what medical needs are absolutely paramount. From this point, the Mojo Stumer team begins to draft architectural plans while the interior design team works in tandem to come up with an aesthetically pleasing backdrop for the New York healthcare architecture project.
Once the construction falls into place, Mojo Stumer pulls in the interior design team for the finishing touches. This design team touches more than just furniture. They focus on textures, patterns, and flow throughout the space in order to create the most sensible, logical building for all medical needs possible. Our New York healthcare architecture services have been utilized by a variety of doctors’ offices, surgeons, and other healthcare professionals. Mojo Stumer is proud to have created such beautiful New York healthcare architecture for the variety of firms listed above. If you or your team are interested in our New York healthcare architecture services for your space, contact Mojo Stumer for a consultation with our medical office architects today!
What Is Healthcare Architecture?
Healthcare architecture involves designing medical facilities that enhance patient care and safety. New York healthcare architecture focuses on creating therapeutic environments that promote healing and control infections, which is integral in densely populated areas.
Through strategic design, including room layouts and advanced air filtration systems, New York healthcare architecture aims to improve health outcomes and efficiency in healthcare settings.
What Are The Architectural Characteristics In Healthcare?
How to Design a Medical Clinic
What Is the History of Healthcare Facility Design?
2 Featured New York Healthcare Architecture Projects
One of our favorite New York healthcare architecture projects that we have completed would be Dr. Lazare’s office on the Upper East Side. The spa-like environment creates a calming atmosphere while also expressing the philosophy of Dr. Marc Lazare and his expertise in high-end cosmetic dentistry. With four exam rooms and two terraces, this New York healthcare architecture project is nothing short of extraordinary.
Our New York healthcare architecture team decided to follow a more modern approach with Dr. Dayani’s office in Manhattan. By using rich and contrasting materials coupled with modern detailing, this dentist’s office is certainly unexpected but warm at the same time. Mojo Stumer loves the addition of mixed materials, metals, stones, woods, and glass to create a dynamic space that doesn’t put you to sleep.
Get Your New York Healthcare Architecture Project Started
Mojo Stumer invites you to schedule a New York healthcare architecture consultation with one of our medical office architects to start your new chapter. Our team of architects and interior designers is the best in the field, and Mojo Stumer is here to bring new ideas to your table. No matter what type of New York healthcare space you want to design, our New York healthcare architecture services will be able to bring your ideas to fruition!