Colors and Textures


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In contemporary architecture there are endless options for using color and texture to boost the interior design and overall feel of a space.  Sometimes more traditional materials create a texture that fulfills the vision and objective of a space. Other times more modern and sleek finishes are needed to get the job done.  Colors and their saturation/balance can be meticulously controlled to completely change the mood and even the theme in which a space is being designed. For the first example regarding color and texture we’ll reference the image above. Using a consistent cold scheme that blends similar shades while highlighting contrasting textures and materials, we used this creative furniture layout to tie together function and creativity – two concepts that usually pull against each other, but here, work in perfect harmony.

In another space (left) we used an approach to to mix a color palette together in a way that plays with the architectural features that house it. The focal point of this living space is the surround-sound television and fireplace, creating a warm and friendly place to entertain with a creative twist of color!  Another way to express color and texture is through the art and decorations as part of the interior design. For the room shown below, the focal point is an abstract art piece, bold in bright color that sets the tone for the room. Imagine what the room would look like without that piece or matching pillows!